What are Semi-permanent eyelash extensions?

Semi-permanent eyelash extensions are individual eyelashes that are placed on the natural lash using adhesive. They can also be known as 'INDIVIDUAL' lashes due to their placement, being adhered to the base of one natural lash. The lashes should last up to 6 weeks with the correct after care and need to be "filled" every 2-3 weeks to keep them maintained. At "fill" appointments we replace the extensions that have grown out, and add extensions to lashes that no longer have any.  Lashes have a life cycle of 6-8 weeks, so this means the extensions grow and out with your natural lashes. Extensions will not damage your natural lashes as long as they are cared for properly. Even mega volume lashes will not damage lashes as long as the correct diameters and lengths are used. I hand make all my fans at your appointment to give you the best results and help them last longer. 


Classic Lashes  £50 (up to 2 hours)

Classic lashes are a 1:1 ratio. This means one extension is attached to one isolated natural lash. This look is timeless and great for adding definition, fullness and length to your natural lashes.



Hybrid Lashes  £60 (up to 2.5 hours)

These are a still a natural style, but alternate between 1 lash extension being placed on an isolated lash, and a 'fan' made up of 2-4 lash extensions (depending on desired fullness) being added to the next lash. These are suitable for ladies who would like to experiment with texture/density or for people with naturally sparse eyelashes who feel Classics wouldn't give their desired result. 

Volume Lashes  £70 (up to 3 hours)

These come in 2 styles, Natural volume and Full Volume.

Natural Volume is a full set of fans using 2 or 3 lashes per fan to create density, length and can be made to add some light texture. These add some real thickness to the natural lashes and are great if you like light strip lashes.

Full volume is made up of fans using 3-5 extensions per fan and can add a darkness to the lash line, texture and are perfect for ladies who love an overall fuller look.

Mega Volume Lashes  £80  (3.5-4 hours)

Mega Volume lashes are not for the faint hearted. These are extra thick, styled to perfection and perfect for the ladies that love a bit more of a dramatic look. These are made with  6-10 lashes per fan and they really do speak for themselves.