Policies and T's&C's
All clients booking will be made to fill out and sign a form.
This covers everything from medical history that may result in you not being a candidate for lashes such as medication to allergies.
If you have any known allergies please make it known due the nature of the adhesive you MAY have an allergic reation. (Not suitable if you're allergic to latex, cyanoacrylate, nail glue)
As per my manufacturer instructions, legally I DO NOT have to carry out a patch test. This is due to reactions very rarely developing on the first service but so there after. If you prefer, I can offer patch test but it wont be 100 percent effective.
Signs of a reactions include:
In the case of a reaction, please seek medical advice. I can NOT remove unless authorised to do so.
To book an appointment, you can call, text, whatsapp or message my facebook page. I try to respond quickly and will respond in 24-48 hours.
All appointments require a £20-£40 NON-REFUNDABLE BOOKING FEE. This fee can be transferred if the appointment is cancelled no less 48 hours before your appointment. Rearranging after 48 hours resukts in a loat booking fee. Appointment and booking confirmation and reminders are sent by email or text 24 hours before appointments.
Any personal information stored by me is for my eyes only. Your information will not be shared or sold and will be only be used to contact you regarding appointments. Permission to use client photos is required to be posted any social media and/or website for advertising.
Cancelations and no shows.
Last minute cancellations and no shows can really interfere with my schedule especially as clients try to book and are unable. Any cancellations made within 48 hours of your appointment still require full payment. No further appointments will be made by myself until the fee is paid.
Any problems concerning lashes need to be addressed within 72 hours of the service. Sometimes things happen and if it does happen (eg, fall out quickly, redness etc) I can rectify or offer advice.